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What We Do

Working alongside expert local partners who share our purpose, World Jewish Relief address the impacts of conflict, inequality and social injustice across the world.

Humanitarian Response

When conflict or disaster strikes, we respond immediately through local partners, providing people and communities with life-saving assistance.

Crisis Response  

We respond immediately in the face of conflict and disaster, including with shelter, health and urgent food support. In the aftermath we support recovery, with a focus on livelihoods. 

Prioritising Women and Girls  

Across the world climate change and disasters affect women and girls in unique ways that require tailored interventions. We ensure all our projects consider their experiences and priorities. 

Disaster Preparedness  

We work with a network of trusted local partners in disaster-prone regions of the world, helping them prepare for disasters before they occur, and respond quickly and effectively when they do. 

Support for Ukraine

World Jewish Relief’s 30 year history in Ukraine, our extensive network of local partners and our understanding of the context gives us unparalleled access and capability to respond to evolving needs.

Emergency service workers carrying person out of rubble on stretcher

Climate Resilience

As temperatures rise and rainfall patterns change, we are helping the worst affected communities to become more resilient to the impacts of the climate crisis.

Climate Resilience

We work with vulnerable communities, such as in Nepal, Myanmar and Ethiopia whose lives are impacted due to climate crisis. We help people respond to the changing climate and adapt their livelihoods.

Our Sustainability

Through our Strategy for Environmental Sustainability, we are actively working to reduce our organisation’s carbon footprint and our negative impacts on the environment.

Prioritising Climate

The climate crisis affects us all, and with our local partners around the world we are addressing its impact in every single project we do.

Climate work

Employment and livelihoods

Through job-specific skills training and mentorship, we enable people to transform their earning potential, recover their livelihoods and gain independence.

Eastern Europe

The collapse of the Soviet Union left generations with limited opportunities. We help the most at-risk to learn job-specific skills, develop their confidence and to find work and change their lives.


We support young people in Uganda, Kenya and Rwanda who, due to the intergenerational impacts of poverty, Genocide, or HIV/Aids, find themselves excluded from the job market.


We improve the well-being of young people, and support with employment for adults, who are internally displaced and traumatised by the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Ugandan family smiling holding bags of green peppers

Support for Older People

We provide life-saving assistance and care to older Jews of the Survivor Generation, focussing particular attention on those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.

Through our network of trusted local partners, we meet practical needs with food, medicine, health care, home care and home repairs. We meet emotional needs by combatting loneliness, creating community networks and promoting active ageing. Our pioneering dementia care programme is transforming the lives of people living with dementia and their families. 

Once accomplished doctors, teachers, physicists and scientists, many of the older people we support are now living in poverty, with little or no savings and pensions that can be as low as £50 a month, forcing them to routinely choose between eating, heating or medicine.

Younger woman hugging older woman