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Support for Older People

We provide life-saving assistance and care to elderly Jews of the Survivor Generation, focussing particular attention on those affected by the conflict in Ukraine.
World Jewish Relief CEO Paul Anticoni with elderly woman in Eastern Europe

We support older Jewish people living in poverty in eastern Europe. 

Through our network of trusted local partners, we meet practical needs with food, medicine, health care, home care and home repairs. We meet emotional needs by combatting loneliness, creating community networks and promoting active ageing. Our pioneering dementia care programme is transforming the lives of people living with dementia and their families. 

Once accomplished doctors, teachers, physicists and scientists, many of the older people we support lost their life savings when communism collapsed. They now live hand-to-mouth, eking out meagre pensions that can be as low as £50 a month and having to routinely choose between eating, heating or medicine.  

Latest Case Studies

Ida’s Story: Providing companionship in eastern Europe

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Ukraine Crisis: How we’re supporting elderly people

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Garry’s Story: Life-Changing Home Repairs

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Viktor and Margareta’s Battle with Dementia

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Lyubov’s Story

Reading Jeffrey Archer novels is one of the ways former English teacher Lyubov retains her language skills. A fiercely independent woman, Lyubov was rendered helpless when rheumatoid arthritis set in leaving her unable to walk. Her apartment is up several flights of stairs and her door frames are too narrow for a wheelchair, making her a virtual prisoner in her own home. Lyubov desperately needed care but had no one to turn to. 

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Rwanda Jewish Community smiling boy

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CEO of World Jewish Relief Paul Anticoni hugging a resident of war torn Ukraine

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