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Olga's Story

We were able to be there for Olga and her family thanks to our Building Stronger Families program. We are providing counselling, education opportunities, and financial support.

Olga is married with two young children, Lev and Melissa. She worked as a real estate agent in Ukraine and life was good. They were happy, they were successful, a Jewish family of four just like yours or mine…and then everything changed. 

When war broke out Olga only had one focus – to protect her children. To keep them safe and find a way to keep them all alive. Just like Esther. 

“They were destroying everything, absolutely everything. They were killing people with no aim but pain.” 

Olga knew they had to flee. She wanted to get to Lviv where they had another family member who was part of the active Jewish community there. And they made the right choice.  

Just days after they escaped, shelling destroyed the basement shelter they had been living in and their town was flattened. They were lucky but they didn’t feel lucky. Even now, when Olga hears an air raid siren, she cowers in the corner with her children gripped tight, scared of what may happen next. 

For Lev and Melissa, Olga’s children, the impact is extreme. For over four years they haven’t been able to go to school: first due to Covid and now war. They are both terrified. It breaks Olga’s heart to see her once happy children, now so sad. We have to help and we have to help now.  

We were able to be there for Olga and her family thanks to our Building Stronger Families program. We are providing counselling, education opportunities, and financial support. Olga can already see a change in her children thanks to World Jewish Relief’s support. They have been happier and more able to cope. 

“I’m proud to be Jewish and proud of our people who do not leave you in difficult times but reach out a helping hand.”  

Olga’s family are just one of the hundreds that we are currently supporting in Ukraine. Jewish families just like us, living under constant threat, trying to rebuild their lives. I’ve seen firsthand the impact that we can have, and we need you to help make that a reality for hundreds more. 

Your gift can help children and mothers process the trauma they experience. Your gift can give children their childhood back. Your gift will make a huge difference.