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Case Study: Garry’s Story

Garry’s Story: Life-Changing Home Repairs

Thousands of older Jewish people across eastern Europe live in homes that are almost uninhabitable. Meagre pensions mean that many vulnerable people are stuck in their dilapidated flats, never having enough money to make repairs. 

Garry’s flat was icy cold – with no insulation and poorly-fitted windows letting the wind whistle through, no hot water and uneven, crumbling floors. He hated being there – he had to shower in other people’s houses, and spent the days out on the streets to avoid coming home. 

Thanks to our supporters’ generosity, we were able to repair Garry’s home. Now he has hot water, new windows, a new bathroom and his home is safe and warm. He said: 

‘Thank you so much! I will remember people who gave money for my repairs till my last day.’