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February 1, 2019
challenge event

Commemorating Harry Bibring, Kindertransport survivor


Two men on a one bike crossing the finishing lines with smiles on their faces

Commemorating Harry Bibring, Kindertransport survivor

Everyone at World Jewish Relief was devastated to hear the news of Harry Bibring’s passing. Harry was a true mensch who commanded the admiration and respect of all who met him. The way that he told his story, informing and educating about both the Kindertransport and the Holocaust, will inspire thousands of children and adults to take on his legacy.

Last year, we were privileged to have Harry talk to World Jewish Relief’s Berlin to London cyclists, including his son Michael and grandson Lee, prior to them taking on the epic commemorative ride that emulated his journey.  His story served as inspiration to many of the riders and kept them pedalling when the going got tough.

We will never forget the end of the ride, when Harry, well into his 90s, jumped onto a tandem bike pedalled by his son Michael, and rode triumphantly through the finish arch at London’s Liverpool Street Station marking the end of the 600 mile journey.  The delight on Harry’s face was a joy to behold and the memory of this moment will remain forever in our hearts.

Our thoughts are with his family at this sad time.