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September 25, 2017

World Jewish Relief launches Mexico Earthquake Appeal

Richa Raman

World Jewish Relief launches Mexico Earthquake Appeal

Following last Tuesday’s devastating earthquake in Mexico, World Jewish Relief have launched an emergency appeal today to support those affected.

Donations will enable us to provide emergency relief such as shelter, emergency accommodation, hygiene kits and essential household items.

News is still emerging of the damage and destruction caused, but the death toll is climbing and there are thousands of people that are in need of assistance particularly in Morelos and Pueblos states, close to the epicentre.

World Jewish Relief will be working with a close and trusted partner agency based in Mexico City.

Mexico is home to an estimated 40,000 Jews, most of whom live in Mexico City. World Jewish Relief will be establishing what their needs are after Rosh Hashanah.

World Jewish Relief has launched its Mexico Earthquake Appeal with the backing of the UK Jewish communal agencies.

Paul Anticoni, World Jewish Relief’s Chief Executive, said: “As we head into Rosh Hashanah, sadly the world is in turmoil once again. Thousands of people have lost everything in Mexico. On the High Holy Days we recite the Unetaneh Tokef prayer which speaks – terrifyingly – about who will die by earthquake. Jewish tradition teaches us that while we can’t stop natural disasters, we can choose how we respond to them. Please help us support the people of Mexico.”

This is a separate appeal to World Jewish Relief’s Rosh Hashanah appeal to provide home care workers for older Jews in Eastern Europe. Donations for World Jewish Relief’s Rosh Hashanah appeal will not be spent in Mexico.